Action fields of digital transformation
At the core of The Digital Transformation Canvas is a practical framework with seven action fields for digital transformation. These offer guidance for strategy development in the digital age.
From a manual evaluation of over 4,250 topics/projects mentioned by 2,590 study participants from 1,850 organisations, the most important action fields that organisations can use as a guide in their transformation were identified. So, what characterises a competitive organisation? You should become active in these seven action fields.
The seven action fields of digital transformation offer guidance so that the most important topics are not forgotten in a digital roadmap or holistic digital strategy (Source: Marc K Peter &
The seven action fields of digital transformation
1: Customer centricity
The ongoing identification of customer needs/expectations, to collaborate and co-create with customers and to measure customer engagement/satisfaction are important success factors for organisations to drive innovation and customer proximity. Customer centricity is an important competitive success factor.
2: New technologies
Technologies drive innovation and transformation. It is important for organisations to get to know these at an early stage, to test them and, thereby, to optimise or even develop new products, services and processes. Not only is new knowledge of technology important, but also awareness and measures regarding cybersecurity.
3: Data and the cloud
Data is at the core of the organisation’s strategic and operational transformation and the cloud is an important data infrastructure. With a data management plan, organisations build a strong foundation to use data for process optimisation and new (digital) business ideas. At the same time, a data management plan helps to maintain data quality and data protection.
4: New strategies and business models
A strategy update with digital initiatives and projects emerges by considering new customer expectations, adopting new technologies and leveraging data for strategic purposes. This will lead to innovation in the form of digitally enhanced customer value, business and pricing models, which in turn create new competitive advantages and sustainable growth opportunities in the digital age.
5: Process management
Digitalisation is process management in the digital age. Organisations try to identify digitisation and automation opportunities in existing processes and with new technologies to increase process quality and lower process costs. This also provides organisations with the opportunity to fundamentally improve their processes and identify further optimisation opportunities, including outsourcing.
6: Digital leadership and culture
Modern working environments (new work) motivate employees, strengthen positive organisational values, develop culture and help promote digital competencies. This requires agility, new leadership methods and working environments, communication technologies and collaboration platforms. Internal digital transformation builds the foundation for an organisation to succeed externally.
7: Digital marketing
The digital marketing strategy provides the go-to-market framework for an organisation and helps to educate the market and generate sales. The focus is on new digital channels, platforms and tools in marketing and sales. New concepts, such as content marketing, online communities, social media, e-commerce and marketing automation, require new skills and investments into digital marketing infrastructure.
Use the workshop canvas for digital transformation to brainstorm and debate the action fields in business practice.